Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Math, math...

Tomorrow I'll try The Exam.
PDE stands for Partial Differential Equations.
My desk is a mess - and my mind is not that different.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Eyes wide open

Here's something of Jesus I always admired: his way to look at the people and at the whole world. A true look, eyes clear and sincere.
He never looked the other way: he received everyone, problems and sins comprised.
He didn't neglect the problems people had in them: on the contrary, he made those problems surface, were people could see them and take a decision, with the full freedom we
are given (see Luke 19,8 and Mark 10,22 for different story ends).
He looked at the world and he saw God's fingerprint on it - and it was good.
He looked at the world and he saw God's message for him. (Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12,24).

Then: eyes wide open, so that we can see the world like Jesus did.
I don't wanna be like those hearing without listening*.

And if we can't see right, may Jesus give us a pair of glasses of his:

Thanks to Cesare for his beautiful insights on Jesus
* Paul Simon, The Sound of Silence